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Top 20 C++ Interview Questions and Answers In 2025 (Updated)

c++ interview questions and answers

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Explore the latest coding questions for C++ interviews with our updated guide for 2024. This comprehensive guide is perfect for both novice and experienced developers. This curated list of top C++ coding interview questions and answers provides essential insights for mastering technical interviews. This guidance will you give deep knowledge of interview pattern questions and also help you in securing your dream job in the dynamic field of software development or as a c++ developer.

Understanding C++ 

C++ is an Object-oriented programming language , which belongs to the “C” family of languages, was created by prominent computer scientist Bjorne Stroustrop. To give programs more granular control across memory and system resources, it was created as a cross-platform enhancement to “C”. 

The programming language that all coders must know and love is C++. It remains as current as it was during the middle of the 1980s. It is generally routinely utilized when coding because it is a general-purpose, goal-oriented programming language.

Top IT businesses like Evernote, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Opera, NASA, and Meta all use it due to its reliability, efficiency, and variety of possible configurations.

Advantages of using C++ Programming Language

  • Object-Oriented: Since C++ Programming Language is an object-oriented programming language, entities and the changes that take place close to them are the central objective. Contrary to conventional or hierarchical programming, which calls for a number of operational steps to be completed, this allows it much simpler to alter code.
  • Speed: The best choice is C programming language when efficiency is a top priority. Compared to other general-purpose programming languages, C++ programs generate and execute much faster.
  • Rich Library Support: The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) has a number of features that can help you write code very quickly. For instance, STLs are available for a variety of categories, such as collections, hash tables, and maps.

Top C++ Questions and Answers for Beginners 

1. Write a function to reverse a string in C++.

2. Write a function to check if a given string is a palindrome or not.

3. Write a function to check if two strings are anagrams of each other.

4. Write a function to generate the Fibonacci series up to a certain number of terms.

5. Write a function to calculate the factorial of a number.

6. Implement the binary search algorithm to find an element in a sorted array.

7. Implement the merge sort algorithm to sort an array of integers.

8. Implement basic operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal in a linked list.

9. Implement tree traversal algorithms like inorder, preorder, and postorder traversal.

10. Implement a stack data structure and its basic operations (push, pop, isEmpty, peek).

11. Implement a queue data structure and its basic operations (enqueue, dequeue, isEmpty, peek).

12. Given an array containing n distinct numbers taken from 0, 1, 2, …, n, find the one that is missing from the array.

13. Find the contiguous subarray with the largest sum in an array.

14. Implement basic matrix operations like addition, multiplication, and transpose.

15. Implement DFS algorithm for graph traversal.

16. Implement BFS algorithm for graph traversal.

17. Write a function to tokenize a string based on a delimiter.

18. Find the duplicate element in an array of integers where each element is between 1 and n, with n being the length of the array.

19. Reverse a linked list iteratively and recursively.

20. Implement an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache using appropriate data structures.

Read our other Interview-related articles:


After going through these C++ interviews and viva questions and answers, you must have gained some understanding of some crucial C++ Programming languages. These C++ programming questions are a few questions that can be very useful during the C++ interview process. 

We would suggest you be prepared well before having your C++ interview rounds. An interview can only be done well when you have all the knowledge of a particular topic. C++ is a very wide field, so having a great knowledge of the field is very important. 


Q1. Is C++ a good programming language for a career?

Ans. Yes. C++, one of the most popular languages, has great demand which will eventually increase, so you should definitely learn C++. 

Q2. What are the libraries in C++? 

Ans. Diagnostics Library, General Utilities Library, Standard String Templates, Localization Classes and Templates, The Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms Libraries, The Standard Numerics Library, The Standard Input/Output Library.

Q3. What positions am I eligible for with C++ programming skills?

Ans. Programmer, Software Developer, Quality Analyst, Software Developer, C++ Analyst, and Programming Architect are a few choices that you can opt for after learning C++. 

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